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Attorney Joseph B Simons, Boston

Criminal Defense Attorney Boston MA, Drug Crimes Defense Attorney Boston M

Attorney Joseph B Simons represents clients facing criminal charges in Massachusetts state courts and in federal court in Boston. As a criminal defense lawyer, Attorney Simons helps clients charged with drug distribution, human trafficking, conspiracy, OUI, larceny, rape, indecent assault and battery, and gun crimes. Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Attorney Simons has appeared in over 80 courts throughout the state.

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 Contact person: Attorney Joseph B Simons
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 10 Post Office Square Suite 800
02109, Boston, Massachusetts

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OUI Defense Attorney Boston MA, Drunk Driving Defense Attorney Boston MA, Criminal Defense Attorney Boston MA, Sec Defense Attorney Boston MA, Drug Crimes Defense Attorney Boston MA, Criminal Lawyer Near Me, Defense Attorney Near Me, Federal Court Attorney Boston MA, Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Boston MA
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